
Showing posts from November, 2022


I discovered Wardruna through Norwegian black metal.  Being a huge fan of Gorgoroth, my interest was piqued when I learned that two of the band's members were involved in another project together, and I of course had to check it out.  To my surprise, their music was unlike anything I'd ever heard and so far out of my usual scope of listening that it might as well have been from another universe.  And yet I sensed there was something special about it.  From there I followed the Wardruna's activity sporadically over the years, never thinking that I would ever get a chance to experience them live. But as my wife and I were preparing to move to Oregon, there it was; Wardruna playing just a few minutes from us at the Elsinore Theatre in Salem.  There was no way that I was going to pass up the opportunity to experience something so unique, and so we immediately picked up a pair of tickets.  To say that I was anticipating this show would be an understatement, as my appreciation of


Over many years of collecting, I've had a knack for finding oddball CDs in random places and KK Null's Guitar Organism is certainly no exception.  I'm not exactly sure what possessed me to look through the international section at the Rasputin Music in Fairfield, CA, but there it was, just waiting for some goddamn weirdo like me to happen upon it.  After paying a princely sum of $2.95 for the disc, I took it home and popped it in my computer. When most folks think of guitar albums, they immediately think of wankery; you know, dudes like Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Yngwie Malmsteen doing widdly widdly shit on seven string guitars for as many minutes as they can cram onto a CD.  But what assaulted my ears when I put on Guitar Organism was completely different from any "guitar album" I'd ever heard. You see dear readers, Null, the legendary vocalist/guitarist/madman behind forward thinking bands such as Absolut Null Punkt and Zeni Geva, had a very, very differe